Equivalent Lagrangians

Given a Lagrangian $L$ for a specific system we can obtain a new lagrangian $L'$ that leads to the same Euler-Lagrange equations that $L$ if

This is an exercise from Hand and Finch Analytical Mechanics, page 28. The third item is proven by the definition of action directly. In problem 7 of the same page it is shown that it has to do with the equivalence of inertial frames.

This is related with @olver86 page 249: two Lagrangians $L$ and $\tilde{L}$ have the same Euler-Lagrange expressions if and only if the differ by a divergence

$$ L=\tilde{L}+\mbox{Div}(P). $$

Here $\mbox{Div}$ is the total divergence.




Author of the notes: Antonio J. Pan-Collantes
